hmms , dint post for the past few days , lols , still the word ` LAZY ` , hahas , today tuition in the noon , then actually planned to go mingyang`s house there swimming&gym de , but raining , then we planned to watch movie instead lohs , we all planned to wear skinnies ;DD , yesterday just bought ;D , hahas , my lovely WHITE skinnies , hmms , then mingyang meet me at my house here , guojun too , then we meet zhihao at marina square , cause he fcuking long , lols , then we actually wanna watch 1408 de , a horror movie , but only left first row , then wanna watch 881 , same , only first row , arrgs , then left with evan almighty , called jes&selene if they wanna watch , they said okay , then we waited , heng dint buy tickets , they come down late , so dint watch , then neverminds lo , jes&selene wanna go vivo shopping , but we dont wan , then she said if later after she shopped , theres time , then they come down meet us , lols , then they left lo , we all felt like playing pool , soo went to safra lohs , while walking to the bus-stop , we took some photos here&there , its all on top , hahas , funny lo , then we took bus there lo , reach le , mingyang&guojun played , leonard came&meet us , he got some family matters , then he cannot go home , but he said he wan go home bath first , then me&zhihao accompanied him lo , after he bathed , went back to safra , me&zhihao open the other table & played pool lo , playplayplay , till bout 10+ , close table , then leave , cal leonard help us take photos , hahas , then we all wan go home le , all walked to the bus-stop , mingyang&guojun same bus , they left , actually leonard`s coming over to my house here slack de , but me&zhihao managed to call him go home , yea , then me&zhihao went home lohs , ehs , hope leonard wont forget what i`ve said to him , yaas , hmms , tomorrow going to ahgong`s garden , tomorrrow night then try to post if i can online ;D